Вторият ден от конкурса е зад гърба на участниците. Макар билдовете да са по-малко стават все по интересни и забавни, а pun-овете с всеки следващ стават още по-яки. Очакваме да видим кой как ще отговори и какво са замислили за следващия ден.
Duncan, sorry, but I found some bugs in your mech. I hope these will give you some IDEAS how to fix it, may be even get you in the 10K Club.

What’d you say? Sorry, couldn’t hear you, I had my earplugs in! I’ll admit, I was a little stumped when I first saw the seed part… So I cleared my schedule to think, and woodn’t you know it, I was able to come up with a few ideas myself!

Don’t you know I collect chainsaws…man. Check the statistics. Stihl, my collection is too big, so this one will be on sale from October 15th on Creations for Charity’s website.