Третият ден е леко тематичен и е за феновете на аниметата и cyberpunk-a.
I lick that car, but I’m gonna stick with this till the very end. I’ve branched out a bit from my usual genres, fortunately I can focus on a couple things at once!

Arcade you not, I’d be a Chamillionaire if I got a bug for every time someone tilted their head at me. https://www.flickr.com/photos/188485803@N06/53269638470

I decided to take a little vacation to the beach after all! Glad I did, because this little crustacean led me to a message in a bottle. Don’t be crabby though, if it’s a map to buried treasure I promise not to be shellfish!

You have to wander no more, it’s just a Tile 2 x 2 with Groove with Map Blue Water, Yellow Land, Black Ship, Compass Rose, White Skeleton Head and Red ‘X’ Pattern, available in 26 sets. This is what I found with a quick search dough-nut enough time on my hands right now. https://www.flickr.com/photos/188485803@N06/53272026890

Wait! I found one of my hands, unfortunately not the one with the treasures. I do have hermit to use it, I’m an Iron…maaan, you know what – I’m enjoying this round too much! https://www.flickr.com/photos/188485803@N06/53271998889