Ден 3: Iron Builder С6Р17 – Danko vs Duncan Конкурси 11/10/2023 BricksLog 0 Share Третият ден е леко тематичен и е за феновете на аниметата и cyberpunk-a. С това темпо може би ще видим нов рекорд по билдове в един рунд. Duncan DANKOOOOOO!!! Sorry, I’m not sure why I’m shouting. I guess these past few builds have got me feeling really anime-ted!https://flic.kr/p/2p8k8T9 Danko Duncan, are you trying to cyberpunk me? You can slide or spinner-ound, but that’s the po-pos, so not a sound. #YONHOhttps://www.flickr.com/photos/188485803@N06/53249782335 Danko Hey man, are you hAngry for more? No ties in Iron Builder and yet I made 2 so far (same shirt too). I’m not trying to ORChestrate the show, just to put some fire builds out there.https://www.flickr.com/photos/188485803@N06/53250530764