
Последен ден: Iron Builder С6Р17 – Danko vs Duncan


Ето че финалът на рунд 17 приключи с 4 билда, по два от всеки като за финал. Сега всичко е в ръцете на съдиите, които до две седмици ще вземат решение кой ще спечели. За този рунд двамата създадоха общо 38 билда с тази шантава част. Определено това е един от най-интересните рундове от Iron Builder.


Boy, those horns look hella sharp… Wouldn’t it be more convenient if you filed them down? Excuse me though, this is a no-smoking area!


The end (of the round) will be here before we know it. So many ideas, so little time… Are you Gallifrey-d of judgement?


I needed that ‘roof to see if you were naughty or nice! Now you’re gettin’ all the toys, even before that hand lands on 21. I mean 12…And you should be grateful it’s not smoking, I’d never go in otherwise. https://www.flickr.com/photos/188485803@N06/53276459505


Hey Duncan, I did this one just to scratch it out! I would miss IB a lot, so one final look, deep breath, but no fire. It was a tremendous pleasure to cross blades with you! Thank you! https://www.flickr.com/photos/188485803@N06/53276574328